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Diana James

Attorney, Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC - The CommLaw Group


I am an Attorney with Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC, The CommLaw Group, a dynamic full-service law firm that provides legal counsel and compliance solutions to the communications, VoIP, broadband, and IoT industries.


Leveraging my experience serving diverse technology startups emerging from a leading research university’s business incubator, I advise technology, telecom, and digital media companies on navigating complex business, regulatory compliance, and intellectual property (IP) law matters.


I advise clients on mitigating their legal exposure (including in the use and development of AI systems) and regulatory compliance (including privacy, telemarketing, and robocall mitigation matters).


My mission is to help those who make the world more interconnected, accessible, and convenient to succeed.


Connect with me to stay informed on the latest developments on the dynamic intersections of cutting-edge technologies and the law!

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